Monday, December 8, 2008


The BCP Generator: The Intelligent Template

The BCP Generator consists of two components:

Ease of use is the key - this should not be rocket science. Both elements are provided as MS-Word documents.

The plan template will take away much of the difficulty... it covers the whole gamut of continuity planning needs. All you have to do is insert the specific details for your organization, business unit or office.

The guide explains each section and sub-section of the plan... in fact it dynamically links to the appropriate part of the plan for each issue considered! This allows you to develop the plan quickly and accurately with minimum of fuss.

The BCP Generator: Continuity Planning Made Easy

The template covers everything from the initial business impact analysis, through to return to 'business as usual' following an incident. The forms included are very straight forward, allowing easy completion and update. Nothing is overlooked.

The format of the template/plan is designed for flexibility. It can be changed or edited at will, to reflect specific or unique needs.

The accompanying guide is nothing less than a fully comprehensive reference manual. It takes you step by step through the process, explaining what is necessary and where to insert your own data.

The BCP Generator takes the mystery out of business continuity and disaster recovery planning. It makes it easily manageable, drawing on the knowledge of some of the most experienced continuity consultants in the industry. It is not surprising, therefore, that it is in use in thousands of organizations across more than 40 countries.

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